Monday, December 17, 2007

Topics for Week of Dec 17

General Development Issues:
- Study Title 1, 2, 3 Food Assistance programs within USAID; Provide information on what defines each type
- ARV Supply organizations in southern Africa; Describe programs and disbursement by country - making special note of Zambia or Zimbabwe oriented programs or assistance. Most likely should start with Clinton Foundation, Gates Foundation, UN.

- Research famous people, with special attention to women, from Zambia's history; in 2008, i'd like to have a section of famous personalities within each country that we serve
- IMF Debt - understand & describe Zambia's current debt and current relationship with IMF

- Research famous people, with special attention to women, from Zimbabwe's history; in 2008, i'd like to have a section of famous personalities within each country that we serve
- Find photo galleries or movies on the internet about the situation in Zimbabwe; make sure to document where you found them so we can link

Thanks! As always, please let me know if you have any questions:


briana said...

I will research both topics under 'Zambia' (famous people and IMF debt), as well as the topic from last week about the state of the prison system in Zimbabwe.

Annie said...

I'll take famous people in Zimbabwe

Kathy said...

I'm working on Title 1, 2, 3 Food Assistance programs within USAID