Wednesday, March 12, 2008

For Week of March 10th

Research Team, Just came across 2 needs if some of you are looking for another assignment.

1) Research Lists of Christian Non-profits on the web that Forgotten Voices should be part of. Examples: Ministry Watch. See note below for more details on what I'm looking for.

2) Research General Lists of NGOs working in Africa that Forgotten Voices should be part of. Example: GuideStar. See note below for more details on what I'm looking for.

In short, people sometimes make decisions based on information provided by ratings companies like these 2 examples. We will need to be including our information in these lists over the next year, as we are eligible. A general search for ministry databases, separated by 2 lists above, is what I'm after. Some of these lists may appear in each category, especially if 2 different people do it.

If possible, I'd like you to put this in an excel spreadsheet so I can import this into our databased of potential tasks for our volunteer leaders.

Here's what I would need for each list you find:
1) Name of List
2) Website address to submit info
3) Information required to submit to list
4) Any other info that jumps off as interesting about list (not req for each entry)

Please let me know if you have questions about this. Thanks!


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Research for Week of March 3

Friends - Long time no write. I know you all have been keeping busy with your various research projects. Here's what I need next when you are done...

Church & Orphan Care Focus: Find research papers that argue that local churches are effective care providers in AIDS orphan care specifically in Africa. I've found some really good research on the web, but I'm looking for more. Michigan State has a good website for Africa, as well as Johns Hopkins & Harvard. Google, Wiki, and grounds like UNAIDS are great places to also explore. Specifically, I'm looking for arguments that support the assertion that churches deliver the most effective care because of their existing network and local knowledge of communities.

In contrast, I'm also looking for research that points out why local churches are NOT effective care providers in AIDS orphan care specifically in Africa. The most common arguments are ineffective business managers; they care more about spiritual and neglect spiritual; and church structure breeds power struggles in Africa.

Vague task, but I'm looking for a collection of resources on the topic because I'm being asked to talk on college campuses more. I'd like to find scholarly papers that address these issues. World Vision & Geneva Global may also be helpful places to check out.

Thanks! Let me know what you can find.


Also - I won't be posting March 10 unless something pressing comes up. I'll be traveling back from Nashville, TN that morning so I won't have much access to the web. THANKS! Take the week off. :) Nice of me eh?